Each parent has a responsibility to support their child. When a relationship ends, the noncustodial parent still has an obligation to pay child support to the custodial parent. Under Utah Law, the amount paid depends on the number of nights each parent has with the children, each parent’s gross monthly income, and the child support arrangement determined as part of the divorce.
Once child support has been determined, it will have to be paid monthly until your child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school, whichever happens last. If you need to have this amount altered, our Salt Lake City attorneys can help you by filing a petition for a modification of the original decree. There must be a “substantial change in circumstances” before the courts will allow any changes. Reasons for a change may include loss or gain of a job, one parent remarrying, or one parent having another child.
If your former spouse isn’t making child support payments, you cannot them deny parent-time. However, you can seek enforcement through the court for failure to pay and for back payments. Hundley & Harrison will provide you with an diligent attorney to collect on back child support and may be able to recover your attorney fees plus the amount you recover.